Appointment Booking Audio and Video Backups Nightly Blogging Business Information Calendars Chat Rooms Custom Forms Email Lists FAQ Editor File Manager Forums Groups Guestbook HTML Editor Hit Counter Instant Messages Links Live Broadcasting Maps Media Manager Mobile Devices Multiple Admins News Manager Photo Galleries Podcasting Polls Private Messages Search Social Networking Spam Filtering Statistics Store Template Editor Twitter Unlimited Pages User Accounts User Directory Weather Webmail
Our goal is to give you the best website possible.
We're confident that we have every feature you want.
If there's something you don't see, let us know so we can add it!
SoraSite is Easy:
Point-and-Click Administration - The whole website
is updated using friendly, drag-and-drop widgets. Anyone can do it!
HTML Editor - If you can use a Word processor, you
can update and add pages to your site. No HTML is necessary.
Multiple Administrators - You can assign as many site
admins as you want, and even limit control to certain parts
of the site.
Media Manager - Adding audio and video to
your site requires no geek magic. Just choose the files to
add and we'll put them in a player.
Fanatical Support - We pride ourselves on having the
best support out there. The average response time for
questions asked during the past business week is
SoraSite is Powerful:
Store - We make it easy to sell products and accept donations
using our integrated store manager!
Domain Names & Email - Your site can have a domain name
and spam-filtered email accounts.
Use your existing domain for free, or get a
new one for only $25/year.
Event Calendar - Add individual or repeating events
to your online calendar easily.
Business News - Post news items on your front page.
You can even assign end dates to each article, and
we'll take care of removing them when they're "stale".
SoraSite is Fun!
User Accounts - Your users can create accounts on
your site to personalize and communicate with other members.
Discussion Forums - Our sites feature areas for users
to post messages,
guestbook entries, and more.
We even offer live chat rooms!
Private Messages - Users can send notes to each other.
There are two modes - live chat, and offline private messages.
Photo Galleries - Post photos to personalize your
Color Editor - You can control the look of your site
with our new theme color editor. Want a blue background for
your pages? Click and make it happen.